Regalo International Academy (RIA) provides full schooling programmes from Stage 1 - 6 as at 2023/24 academic year.

The curriculum at Regalo International Academy for now, is based on the Ghana Education Service (GES) curriculum. For consolidation of our learners understanding of concepts, we use resources from credible online educational websites and Cambridge educational resources to support teaching and learning, so as to enable our learners have access to relevant information for their intellectual development. Our teaching approach is learner centered. Teachers only facilitate learning activities and guide learners to explore on the given topics. Periodically, learners are assigned various project works where they research and explore on various topics to enrich their knowledge. We challenge our learners to learn by doing. We believe that learners should be able to practically apply concepts taught at school. At RIA, learners acquire current and global information.

Primary school

At this very stage learners are introduced to specific instructional experience in Social Studies, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Computing, French, and Art Education among other subjects.

Primary school is a vibrant community of teachers and learners in grade 1- 6. At these level, learners take on increased responsibility in academics and extra-curricular activities. They begin to discover who they are, their interests, strengths and abilities through classroom and outdoor activities. Learners are challenged to take advantage of our holistic education programmes so that they can compete confidently anywhere they find themselves.

Learning support

At RIA, we provide special support for learners with difficulties to enable them fit well and work at the required level. This comes in the form of group learning activities and one-on-one interaction between teachers and learners to bridge the gap of any academic difficulties.

Homework structure

To assess, evaluate and reinforce learners understanding of concepts, different homework will be assigned to learners each day of school. The homework will be based on topics learnt in class. We entreat parents to supervise learner’s homework. We also advise that learners should be allowed to complete homework with little or no support. In this way, learners score will be a true reflection of their level of understanding of concepts taught. This will help teachers to evaluate lessons and take actions to correct any misunderstanding where necessary.

Failure to do homework

Since homework is a home activity, we expect parents or guardians to be able to guide supervise leaners homework and submission. Parents will be contacted for reasons why a child might not have been able to complete his or her homework.

Extra-curricular activities

Education and child development is not only about formal classroom learning. At Regalo, we have various club societies for learners development apart from classroom learning. Our club societies include; music, dance, drama, reading and arts clubs. With parents’ consent, learners can join any club of their interest.